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America's Dream For Gold Is Turning Brown

America's dream instead of four years of college, four of medical school and four of specialty training, if I were doing it over, I might do a 2-year RN and a year of anesthesia as a friend in college did. Nurse anesthetists do the same jobs that MD Americas' dream anesthesiologists do, lands of America usually in rural areas and pay may be less, but a saving of about six years time and tuition. Such openings may not be as plentiful now, but it's a good example Americas' dream.

America's dream Walter Williams, Professor of Economics at George Mason University, cites "The U.S. Labor Dept... the majority of new American jobs over the next decade do not need a college degree. Lands of America We have a six-digit number of college-educated janitors in the U.S. Americas' dream."

America's dream Ohio University's Wedder adds that there are "one-third of a million waiters and waitresses with college degrees." America's dream more than one- third of currently working college graduates are in jobs that do not require a degree, such as flight attendants, taxi drivers and salesmen lands of America.

We've been deceived into thinking that a college degree prepares us for a high paying job when, in most cases, Americas' dream it isn't so. Google "100 entrepreneurs who succeeded without college" for an example. Among the best paid are good sales people, and there are many trades allowing a choice to suit one's temperament.

The most practical course I took in high school was typing. High school had most of what I needed and much I didn't need. College was more of the same non-essentials. Literature courses are mostly fiction and like TV, Americas' dream offer an array of erotica that spells trouble for youth under social pressure to experience everything before marriage, only to discover how define dream different life is after marriage lands of America.

We would do well to turn the clock back a century or so to when parents taught their children as in Bible times. Men taught a trade to their sons and young ladies learned the art of lands of America cooking and home-making from mother define dream. "You shall teach them... " is biblical wisdom that made a strong nation long before public schools became a disaster with their focus on sex education Americas' dream.

To consider homeschooling define dream, one may need to move to the country to escape government tyranny of taking your child and Americas' dream stripping him or her of values and faith in the Bible while programming them to accept a lands of America New World Order that calls nothing sin and where everything is allowed except protest.

Dr. Florence Strategy define dream, Professor of Education at Columbia University's Teacher College reviewed a favorite book on education by Ellen White. Strategy was amazed at White's title, Education. America's dream she saw its balanced curriculum as addressing the whole person, body, mind and spirit, saying the world was in desperate need of a moral component in education. Writing in the 1950's, she said it was 50 years ahead of her time, but now it's a century ahead and a good text for homeschooling!

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