The cross stitch patterns in fabric work very well in the home or office. The light and shadow beside the 3D patterns are impressive. Otherwise, the rag often encounters problems such as dirt and it can be difficult to keep it clean. The porcelain tile collection removes the fabric and appreciates the textures, an inkjet print gift. The patterns and colors will not go away over the years. Tolerates the humidity well.
Gray CrossHatch Porcelain
Will the bathroom be a protective plate covered with fabric? Gray CrossHatch TekTile Porcelain stoneware offering a sumptuous environment. There is no problem with toothpaste and hairspray, cosmetics and soaps. The surface is quite resistant to water and prevents stains and mold.
Ivory CrossHatch porcelain
Create an illusion of a bathroom rug with Ivory CrossHatch porcelain tile. The 3D look looks like raw linen in soft ivory tones.
Gray Lineart Porcelain
Some areas and rooms in homes or businesses attract a lot of footprints in busy areas. Design flooring is quickly damaged in such a situation. Install Gray Lineart TekTile Porcelain Tile and see the difference. The luxury fabric design and the 3D texture are unreal, of course. Keep it clean and effortless.
Ivory Lineart Porcelain
Ivory Lineart TekTile Porcelain and transform it into an attractive environment. The large 12x24 tile is easy to install with straight edges that require thin stitching. Similar 3x24 bullnose tiles made the edges and corners.
Porcelain gray Hopsack and porcelain Hipsack TekTile
you want a replica of utility rugs in the kitchen for the office and
the floor of the classroom, opt for Gray Hopsack porcelain. It is a sturdy floor covering that adapts to living rooms and playrooms. Ivory Hopsack TekTile Porcelain tiles for greater effect.
Spaces in homes and offices feel comfortable and elevated with rugs and fabrics in various applications. The fabric and carpets are difficult to maintain and maintain. The TekTile Porcelain Tile Collection offers you the right options if
you are looking for contemporary styles, or industrial or mid-century
approaches to the path of memory.
the Web Gallery for more details and options on the TekTile Porcelain
Tile Collection, as well as many other exciting and inspiring inkjet
porcelain tiles. They look incredibly realistic by copying fabric patterns without the hassle of real rugs.
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