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Celebrate Yang And Yin Of Seventeen With The Transformation Of The Rooster

Monkey Bye! Hello We Rooster happy monkey to revisit 2016 and salute the Gallo 2017. Most of us are tired of what Lillian Too had predicted that black was the year of the Monkey. Chinese astrological interpretations awaited a lot of diseases, destruction and we now expect negative surprises will not be on the radar. Let us take the monkey of our lives and light a path for the arrival of the cock.
Feng Shui seeks to capture the essence of the zodiac animal of the year and apply it to the connection rather than the person. Three types of bird energy are our options in 2017, Rooster, Chicken and Phoenix. As the leader of his flock, the Gallo in extravagant splendor, calls for action at dawn. Legend says he was chosen to be one of the twelve because of his wonderful voice. As wingless animals were allowed, the Jade Emperor put a flower on his head and gave him permission to compete. Racing against the dog, he eventually flew to the finish line and placed tenth in the competition.
Yang rooster stands out among his conduct, sometimes with an arrogant attitude. He is number one in the shelter. In 2017, the magic square Lo Shu, which is the equivalent of Feng Shui Ba Gua, is governed by the number one in the center, indicating a year of transformation. Think about what your life would like to see transformed, the only major change you have expected, and grant to the authority of Gallo. Transformation and balance are the two main mandates of the year with the Gallo fire calling for action. Since his innate element is metal, he is proud of his impeccable appearance. The Gallo expects discipline strict observance of rules and protocol.
If the Gallo and his antics have stressed you, find the humble chicken and emulates a little yin relaxation. Chicken is nesting, breeding and supplying. After a long day of cockroach tours, we have to go back to yin atmosphere of a nest and a homemade meal. Ambient soft, ambient lighting, soothing sounds and relaxing aromas will be the antidote to excess yang gallo. Once we find a middle ground between modest chicken and the majestic Gallo, we might be ready for the power of transformation of the Phoenix.
The mythological phoenix appears in all cultures and religions from ancient Egypt to modern Christianity. In Chinese cosmology, the Phoenix is ​​the symbol of the empress, second to the dragon emperor symbol, and is available for use by all women in Chinese tradition. The Phoenix comes down with a premonition of great events for humans. In modern interpretations, as in Feng Shui, the Phoenix can be used as a symbol of the highest aspirations.
The Phoenix is ​​the ethereal bird of transformation and is considered immortal. In a fire ritual of self-destruction, he will always be revived and renewed and then resurrected from his ashes in the glorious resurrection.

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