Do you think that these are the best solutions for your problem?

Reduce Clutter, Reduce Stress

When his parents used to threaten to grind if not cleaned his room, it is possible that they were looking for their mental health. A study conducted by the University of California threw stress hormone levels in the 30 couples. The results? Cortisol levels were significantly higher in women who described their home as disorder or chaotic. Men seem to be more immune to the disease, which could also explain why the toilet seat is always left out.
You do not have to be in an episode of Hoarders to feel the trouble affects the mental side. So what is the correlation between a mess and stress?
1) missing keys? You can not find this file to work? You can count both increased levels of frustration and cortisol.
2) Disorder makes our minds make an extra mental uplift. These damages result in additional stimuli that would not exist with an open house or office.
3) This pile of papers on the desk? It represents a constant reminder of the work that needs to be done.
4) Imagine that you are trying to write a paper with a jackhammer construction worker outside his office. Clutter is a distraction, turning his attention the task gets done.
Let's avoid filling the page with too many reasons, but if we focus on the methods of disencumbering your life? Here are a few tips:
1) Treat your home as a filing cabinet. Points are designated for household items that are not frequently used. Try to limit them to drawers, cabinets or closets to keep stimuli to a minimum. As the proverb says, out of the sight of the spirit.
2) Do not use it? Do not keep it. It sounds simple, but how often do we cling to the article "Seen on TV" we could not live without or that pair of heels that have not seen the light of day for years? Mess up and do something good in the process, donate their unused items.
3) How long should we save if we put things away just when we were done with them? The answer is a lot. We have more important things to worry about than messy, so take these extra seconds to put an element of distance as soon as you're done using it.
4) Keep the pleasure clean! Add music to the mix or hone your basketball skills by throwing out the spam mail. Treat it like a task and feel like a chore.
Have you buried under the mess and do not know where to start? Do not be afraid to bring reinforcements. Make it a family affair or bring professional. A cleaning company can be a great way to get things done to an easier place to manage or simply eliminate the stress of housework routinely making regular appointments. It Whatever you decide, do not let your brain is full of mess around you.

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