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The Difference a New Kitchen Makes

For years I had promised a new kitchen and had almost lost the hope of succeeding. The old kitchen was old with brown cabinets that were painted white. Mice were frequent visitors, but it seemed that there was no way to get in. Spiders have often been chased and cockroaches have started to appear out of nowhere. The tapas wardrobe was always in need of cleaning and everything was inconvenient for my age.
One day, a man came to the new kitchen. Hurray, I thought, marking his numbers and discussing colors, and so on. It gave me a six week time to start work. As this time came and went, I actually forgot.
A few months later, a doctor treated me extremely painful feet with an injection of cells that had taken from my own blood (stem cells). He was trying to stop the pain and sent me home with strict instructions to rest the foot for a good 24 hours or for the treatment to work properly.
I just fell into the house and sat down when the phone rang. He was the guy who cooked. It was Wednesday and told me to come the next day to start working Friday. What! I asked for more time, knowing that the entire kitchen had to be filled.
He said they could not wait because they had the kitchen in the truck and on the way to Sydney and did not have to store. I had to start on Friday.
From that moment and for the next half and I came across my things packing feet in boxes, loading furniture and other things in the spare part, and finally emptying the refrigerator and uploading your content into a esky. On Friday, it was almost a drawer when they arrived just in time at 07:30
They started by sliding the cabinets and sink. That's when the big shock came. Behind the cupboards there was no wall. A large open hole went to what would have been the right wall of the cavity and, of course, that's where the insects were coming into the house.
The large pantry that had been installed a few before had to be saved and moved into the room where it could be used as a sewing cabinet. The men put it in place but not fixed. Later that night, as I walked through it, it came right over me. Between the cupboard and boxes of things from the kitchen, he was trapped.
Gradually I managed to catch a chair and make myself but another dilemma. Everything was closed, including the side doors and the front door. The keys were on the other side and also the phone. Always trapped by my circumstances, I had to crawl over carefully pushed heavy pantry to reach the other side.
Finally, everything was done and looked at the new kitchen. No more bugs come, all the holes in the wall were covered or repaired, and new cabinets reach the ceiling so that their tops never need to be cleaned. The beautiful new kitchen is a pleasure to work and the extra room given to me is wonderful.
Despite the pain and the magical cupboard that falls on me, it was worth it. A new dishwasher and microwave were also installed and is so good that it made a new wife of me.

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